APC MGE Static Transfer Switches , Input: 400V 3PH , Input Connections: Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH + G), Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH + N), Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH + PEN), Hard Wire 5-wire (3PH + N + G) , Output: 400V 3PH , Output Connections: Hard Wire 3-wire (3PH),Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH + G),Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH + N),Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH – PEN),Hard Wire 5-wire (3PH + N + G)
APC MGE Static Transfer Switches , Input: 400V 3PH , Input Connections: Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH + G), Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH + N), Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH + PEN),
Hard Wire 5-wire (3PH + N + G) , Output: 400V 3PH , Output Connections: Hard Wire 3-wire (3PH),Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH + G),Hard Wire 4-wire (3PH + N),Hard
Wire 4-wire (3PH – PEN),Hard Wire 5-wire (3PH + N + G)
◗ Selects the best of 2 sources, based on the continuous monitoring of 11 parameters
◗Automatic or manual transfer and return without disconnection,
◗ ‘rolling synch.’ function for back-up transfer of unsynchronised sources,
◗ Built-in sub-system redundancy within the device (power supply, control, and ventilation),
◗ Isolation switches for maintenance purposes,
* 4 slots to accommodate communication cards two of which are included: JBus/ModBus card, status information card.
* LCD Multilanguage graphics display for rapid acquisition of measurements and straightforward access to static transfer switch settings.
*Animated mimic diagram on the front panel for immediate viewing of the energy flows and states.
* Specific Bypass Procedure diagram.
* Dedicated terminals provided to facilitate load bank testing.
Consultancy, deployment and on-site assistance. Maintenance services. Remote monitoring with 24×7 NOC